This program fulfills both the Engage and Learn requirements for the Innovating for Social Impact Program.
The Leadership for Social Good Study Abroad in Eastern Europe takes students to Prague, Krakow, and Budapest where we take a look at the role of the nonprofit/social sector, civil society, and corporate sector in creating sustainable solutions to society's most pressing problems. From urban farms that address the need for a locally grown and economically accessible food source while creating employment for refugees, to system level solutions to solving chronic homelessness in Atlanta, to creating meaningful employment for people with disabilities in the Czech Republic, to affecting policy at the EU level to preserve biodiversity while increasing the competitiveness of businesses in Hungary - this program addresses the importance of triple bottom line solutions, as well as the importance of identifying the unintended consequences when assessing the impact of these solutions. The unique component of this program is the opportunity to learn hands-on about how these organizations operate during the project component of the course. Students work with a Budapest-based nonprofit to help them create sustainable solutions to the environmental and social problems they are addressing. Beyond solving their tasks, students immerse themselves in important topics like social justice, the link between economic development and biodiversity, what type of leadership is effective in the nonprofit sector, how can corporations model sustainability and be profitable at the same time, and what is the role of governments in supporting sustainable solutions. The program provides 9 MGT credits that qualify for the Leadership Minor in Business, the Entrepreneurship Certificate, and satisfy various electives across campus. For a list of nonprofit partners and past projects, visit the program website.
Click to read our SLS Global Student Ambassador Blog Posts from Summer 2017, Summer 2018, and Summer 2019 for student perspectives on building sustainable communities abroad.